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Address: 1 John Duncan Court
Varsity Lakes, QLD 4227

As a customer-driven leader in providing premium leisure products to the Australian caravan crowd, Dometic has been at the forefront of developing and sourcing some of the best tried and tested gear from all over the world. If it’s a high-quality product that can improve, enhance or heighten your caravan experience, chances are Dometic has had some part in making it easily available to you.

Compact, innovative products are what propel the caravan accessory and appliance aftermarket. If the features are right and the results are solid, then you know you’ve got a winning product on your hands and no one has been responsible for more winners in the last half-a-century than Dometic

From air conditioners to solar panels, awnings, cookers refrigeration, sanitation systems, mobile power, lighting and everything in between; Dometic has pioneered more convenient advancements dedicated to making your life on the road and off that much more comfortable.

The Dometic brand is today associated with market leadership, comfort and strength. People entrust their adventures to Dometic, the world leader in comfort. Dometic is a part of the Dometic Group.

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