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Retreat Caravans

Address: 104 – 118 Link Drive,
Campbellfield, Vic 3061

About Us

Creating dreams across the far realms of this continent.

Retreat Caravans provides safety, security, convenience and comfort to ensure that you’ll always get the best adventure every time you go on a journey.

A family-owned and operated company, we do not only share the passion to travel, but also to design and build caravans our customers can totally rely on – wherever they want to go. We build for Australian conditions so our warranty and after-sales service apply nationwide.

We listen to our customers and make sure that we incorporate every brilliant idea that they have regardless of where they’re from.

With Retreat Caravans, the journey is really about YOU.


With emphasis on design and innovation, we offer flexibility to fully adapt to our clients’ unique lifestyle experiences. We give them value through long-term service and care commitment.


Our lifelong dream is to design and build innovative and quality caravans for our customers to have versatile travel experiences.

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