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Sea Darwin

Address: Stokes Hill Wharf, Darwin,
Northern Territory, Australia

Leaving Stokes Hill Wharf at 4.00 pm on a date especially picked around the lunar cycle, your cobwebs will be blown away as Darwin Harbour fades into the distance. With the warm breeze on your face and the smell of salt in the air, life will become surreal as you skim over turquoise waters on the way to the nesting ground for flatback and olive ridley turtles.

Keeping your eyes peeled for marine mammals and reptiles, your journey will take you past historic Charles Point Lighthouse into Bynoe Harbour, arriving at remote Njulbitjlk (Bare Sand Island) in time for the sun set. Explore the island with Team Turtle, learn about the fascinating marine creatures who inhabit these waters and who visit the island; and find out about the unique war history and traditional stories as you experience day turning to night.

Back on board your bento meal will delight, and then after twilight fades, Team Turtle will take you for a guided walk to witness the egg laying ritual. For those who take this adventure late in the season you may have the privilege of witnessing the eruption of baby turtles from their home under the warm sand. A fast boat ride will get you back to Darwin, with memories that will last a life time.

This tour is conducted around the lunar cycle – full moon and new moon are the best times to see the turtles. Nature dictates your experience and return time – the females usually come up around sunset, although there are no guarantees. The tour will return later if babies are hatching. Note that nesting turtles or hatchlings cannot be guaranteed on any tour though in 2015 100% of our guests experienced a turtle encounter.

This cruise attracts Advanced Eco and ROC Accreditation.

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